I guess youve seen the fred videos on youtube by a guy named lucas who plays a hyper six year old. The videos are so addicting! You can always go to his channel on youtube to watch the videos (including the new "Christmas Cash" music vid!
But he also has a website with them too.

Full review of girlsense

Boutiques The first tab on is "Boutiques". As a member, you get your own boutique to decerate as you please with your style. You can put maniquins, furniture, posters, anything in it, its your store. People who visit it can shop for fashions in your inventory that are listed as for sale. Here is my boutique!

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Notes The next tab, Notes, enables you to send notes or pms to your friends. It only lets you use words from their dictionary to ensure no inapropriate language. Fashion Avenue- Fashion avenue is the next tab on the top of FAshion avenue is a page of all kinds of stuff related to fashion. You go here to design your fashions. You can also create auction rooms for your fashions. Another tab is Babble. This is for 13 year olds and older. It is like twitter, where the people you "follow" see your status updates and vice versa. Groups- groups is a page where you basically create your own groups about a certain topic, and people in the group discuss the topic with eachother.Connect is the tab that lets you send ecards, personalized messages (such as the BFF board where you can send personalized messages, or crush mail (ecards for your crush)). I give girlsense a 4 out of 5 stars! I recommend it to any girl who wants to express their style. I didnt cover everything. There is ALOT more! MY username is kittypet375. is a really cool blog by a member of Check it out! is a website for those who are into fashion. It lets you have your own boutique where you design your fashions and have a buisness selling them! It's a great website. You can also connect with people and chat, play games, have your own "group" ( a club with a certain motive) and lots of stuff! It has great wallpapers, ecards, etc...
My username on the is kittypet375. Connect with me!